Mail flags for using procmail instead of /bin/mail?

James R. Ault (
Fri, 30 Sep 1994 16:42:09 EDT

not sure who wrote:

>  yes there is a bug in /bin/mail - if it is setuid root (ie: used as a 
>  delivery agent) it can be exploited to gain root access. there was an 
>  u-s /bin/mail, install either procmail or the mail.local (which i have 
>  yet to find anywhere, procmail is easy to find... (i forget where.. 
>  archie is your friend), and then edit your Mlocal line in 
>  /etc/ to be procmail instead of /bin/mail

Could someone post some suitable lines with proper flags to give
procmail that I could include in ? We run sendmail 8.6.9
on sunos 4.1.3, and we have procmail already installed.

Jim Ault, CS Sysadmin, SUNY Albany, NY 12222 USA   <><